Submit Your Weekly Action Plan
Increasing Your Time Awareness: Treat Your Time Like It’s Money
There are only 24 hours in a day - and for some of those hours you are sleeping! No matter how powerful you are, you can’t add more hours to your day. You should treat your time like it is precious. Creating a time budget that details how you spend your hours during a typical week can help you get smarter about where you spend your minutes. Categorizing your time into fixed time (the “things I must do”) and discretionary time ( the “things I want to do”) can help you get a sense of how you currently spend your time and adjustments that you might want to make.
Use this table to map out how you currently use your time. For each day, write in the things you must do (ex. Childcare, household chores, other jobs, grocery shopping, etc.) and how long you spend doing those activities, and things you want to do (ex. See friends, scroll TikTok, play video games, nap, go shopping, etc.) and how much time you think you will spend doing them.
Once you have entered in all of your activities, use the reflection box to jot down any areas where you might want to make changes.